By Sathgurunathar Grace, this is a humble attempt to express my blog which is borne out of the fathomless and unconditional eternal grace showered by my beloved gurunathar and the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna! बर्हापीडं नटवरवपुः कर्णयो: कर्णिकारं बिभ्रद् वासः कनककपिशं वैजयन्तीं च मालाम्। रन्ध्रान् वेणोरधरसुधया पूरयन् गोपवृन्दै-र्वृन्दारण्यं स्वपदरमणं प्राविशत् गितकीर्तिः ॥५॥
Read more...This YouTube series will include excerpts from the Divine Lectures of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. Sri Guruji, as He is fondly known as, conveys profound messages in a sublimely simple, yet immensely powerful manner. Sri Guruji's lectures are an invaluable guidance for every spiritual seeker. Join us to soak in this blissful nectar!
Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaham At Erode - Parimalam Mahal (near bus stop) Perundurai road, Sengodampalayam, Erode.
Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaham At Erode
Morning : Parayanam at a devotee’s residence (Private).
Evening : Lecture by Sri Swamiji
Venue for Lecture: Parimalam Mahal (near bus stop) Perundurai road, Sengodampalayam, Erode.
Map: 8MGP+FC2, near bus stop perundurai road, Sengodampalayam, Tamil Nadu, India
Read more...Only Medicine for the present world - Namakeerthanam. Only way in Kali is namakeerthanam and the book which describes it is the Srimad Bhagavatham.
We can draw some parallels from nature. Looking at the spider weaving its web endlessly in the garden, I feel that we are experiencing a similar thing in our life too.
The spider weaves a big web in the hope of catching an insect and ultimately satisfy its quest for food. We too work endlessly in the materialistic world in the hope of creating our web, settle in it and ultimately satisfy our quest for food.
What we fail to see is that the web created by the spider is itself temporary as we often see it being destroyed quite easily due to actions of nature and human.
Likewise, is not our web temporary too? Nothing is permanent in this world. We verily have witnessed this ever so quite often through the acts of nature and humans.
Bhagavan has given us the sense through the compassionate grace of Guruji to be able to realise HIM as permanent, eternal, imperishable, indestructible. HE resides in us, we are a part of HIM and how then can we ever perish! Those who say "NAMA" can never perish.
Guruji constantly helps us to realise the nature of the imperishable by reciting the various "KATHAS" of the lord in order to foster faith and bhakthi in us.
We are indeed blessed to be born as a human on Earth and be under the grace of our Guruji who always inspires is and protects us. Radhe Radhe
Read more...HIS VOICE - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal pearls of wisdom
Radhe Radhe!
We are delighted to bring to you the first video of the much awaited series.
Sublimely simple; immensely impactful!
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Read more...Increase listening to discourses and Chant Nama
Analysis of all the Sarva sastras again and again will tell you one and one thing only, "Always meditate upon the name of Narayana"
Chant Nama always.
yamasya karunA nAstI kartavyam harikeerthanam.
"yamasya karunA nAstI"
The God of Death has no compassion. Do not waste your time; Life is getting reduced every second.
"kartavyam harikeerthanam" - Perform Nama chanting now itself.
Chanting the Divine names of God, especially the "Hare Rama..." Mahamantra as prescribed in the Kali Santarana Upanishad, is the simplest & the most practical path to liberation and attainment of Universal Love in this age.
The Vedas and the scriptures constitute the bedrock of our Sanatana Dharma and need to be protected by all means.
Ancient temples (especially those glorified by great saints such as Alwars/Nayanmars) are storehouses of spirituality and have to be renovated and maintained with utmost care & devotion.
Read more...Chant Namakeerthanam
Nama and Niyama!
HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal's Birth Anniversary Message (21st Oct '98)!
This world is so vast; millions live in this world. While their life is going on somehow, our life is a lot different from theirs. The reason?... Our Lord Sri Krishna has taken us all as his very own folk and that is the reason. So for us this divine company (Sath Sangam) is indeed a boon and good fortune. But can we just be complacent with this?
When we see someone without hands, we do feel, "Thank goodness, we are healthy and our hands are intact! We should take good care of this, else we may be reduced to his state." True, but over and above this, a intelligent person would also strive to use his healthy hands to do as much good deeds possible when it is still healthy. Right?
Similarly, realising that getting into a Sath Sangam (and a Sathguru, of course) is indeed a rare stroke of good fortune, one should strive to utilise this god' s gift wisely. But what is 'utilising' a Sath Sangam?
In spite of being a part of a Sath Sangam, if we still lead a life of lust, anger and laziness; if we still lead a life different from what is prescribed by the scriptures, what is the difference between a person in a Sath Sangam and one who hasn't had the good fortune of being a part of a Sath Sangam? We should lead a life that is a role model to others; a life, seeing which others should feel envious with blatant appreciation and wonder; and not a wanton life subject to world's mockery. When we tell others that we have taken refuge in a Sathguru or a Sath Sangam for so many years, we should reflect on our level of maturity to face this world, we should do some soul searching to find if we have really progressed spiritually. Our age is rolling on, but if we are still struggling without spiritual progress and mental peace, what is the use?
There are some who are "Giant Starters". He typically starts grandly in any field with such zeal and enthusiasm that could make others jealous. As the time passes, when he starts facing obstacles, his zeal and fire die slowly yet steadily, and ultimately he winds up the task he had embarked upon. If he builds a house, when it is new, he keeps everything spic and span, but as time rolls on his negligence towards the upkeep of the house increases and pretty soon his house would look like a dirty den with cobwebs hanging all around! Anything new attracts his attention and his interest deteriorates in due course of time.
Similarly, getting on to a Sadhana with seriousness at start, on reaching a Sath Sangam or on reading some books on spirituality or on hearing from someone, then abandoning the efforts after sometime is of no use. The zeal and intensity of a Sadhak while starting on a path should only grow more intense in the course of the Sadhana and should not wane till the goal is reached.
Mind, due to is very nature is ever-vacillating. Many a time we find that our senses, losing control pull us down. Those are the times when we shouldn't lose heart and accept failure; we should gird up loins and bravely wade through such difficult times. Whenever we find our mind going astray, we should pray with all our heart, earnestly. This gives good results. When we sit for meditation or Japam (silent Chanting of Lord's name), we find that our mind becomes one-pointed. Praying during such instances certainly yields the fruits. What I am driving at is that, if you know what is obstructing your way of spiritual progress, and if you sincerely pray to get the obstacle removed, your prayer shall be fulfilled. In a one-pointed mind, Bhakthi or Gnanam (divine wisdom) finds its place easily. We shouldn't talk much unnecessarily. Chatterboxes are certainly not the Champions of achievements. The minds of those who talk much would always be vacillating .
Our dress should be clean; our food should be clean and consumed in right quantities at the right time. We should be ever cheerful and brave; we should never get upset for anything; we should not worry over others' gossip and unjust reproach, we should take this as the "part of this game called life"; we should never get angry; we should be humble and show love towards one and all; we should be forgiving; we should never waste our precious time; we should see the good in all. Hurting others with our words is the worst kind of violence.
Now you may ask me, why we should live the way I have described above. If you want Sri Krishna, this is the only way. If we can live this way, we would have a pleasing and a bovine countenance of a beautiful deer or a peaceful cow. We should not look fearful and belligerant like a lion or a tiger!
We should never mock at or make fun of anybody. If we are always playful, without much seriousness, our life would also playfully pass by, fruitlessly. We should have some seriousness in any of our endeavors. We should ALWAYS THINK POSITIVELY, dismissing such dismal thoughts like "I am born unlucky" or 'I am a sinner' and the like. We should have courage and faith in ourselves and should always think that we can achieve everything we want to. We should never try to hide from problems; but act with faith and with a steady mind.
Agacha Agacha sajjana sangam mAgacha mAgacha durjana sangam
Seeing GOD in everything
Seeing GOD in everything is not a thing to practice and be able to do that. For example you see a thing, identify it to be that thing and then think of it as GOD. For example, say you see a beautiful flower, you first identify that as a flower and then attribute it to be a GOD. This is not a practice being able to see GOD. This is not how the Mahans saw GOD. When they see the flower spontaneously, instantly they see the GOD, they don't see a flower but see GOD in the flower. Unless and until we get that feeling of being able to see GOD in the flower we cannot claim that we are seeing GOD in everything. Radhe Radhe
Desire of the pure mind - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Sri Ramakrishnar will tell a beautiful story. There was a king and he had a servant. The servant was extremely fond of this king and loved him with his life. Being so fond of this king, he has a desire, one day to invite him to his home and treat him nicely. He will keep asking the king often to come to his home. But the king has his own protocol, he cannot sit at ordinary chair, visit ordinary places etc. He needs a throne, security arrangements setup, he may need fan, need serving as per royal arrangements but the servant was caught up in his love for the king. The King then asked his minister to make arrangements ready for his visit. Immediately 100 people went to the house, whitewashed it, put fans, AC, made security arrangements in all the neighboring houses, brought all gold cups and saucers, finally the king came. He stayed and made the servant happy but when he left, the king did not take anything with him as this was not a big thing for him. Likewise, just keep the desire that the bhagavan should come to you, that's enough. The yogyatha will come automatically from the bhagavan to you. The desire should not be an act or a drama it should be truthful. Keep on saying, "Ranganatha, please come to my heart, again and again keep calling!". Bhagavan will come to the pure heart. The bhagavan knowing the devotee's desire wants to take a place at the heart of the devotee but he knows that if the devotee's chittam is not clean, how can he go and occupy the place. Radhe Radhe
Perform Namakeerthanam you will perish not! - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara swamigal
Travelling on the ship called Nama - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
The captain is and experienced navigator and belongs to the place where we go! So we can rest assured that our journey will be safe and sound! At times He does mischief, but he is not harmful at all! One has to be careful not to fall in love with Him, for, His form, His style, His language, His dress – all of them are unimaginably beautiful! ~ HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Path shown by Azhwars is the basis! - By HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Do Namakeerthanam. That's the reason why all these bhakthars sang about bhagavan. If we fully read the 4000 Divya prabhandam again and again its about singing. Without doing namakeerthanam what's the use of reading the divya prabhandham. The full of prabhandam talks of singing the namakeerthanam. Since these 12 Azhwars told so, all the bhakthars from Maharastra, Purandaradasar, Jayadevar and Bhadrachala Ramadasar all mention the significance of the namakeerthanam. Radhe Radhe!
Answers and Beyond - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Bhakthi is Namakeerthanam and Namakeerthanam is Bhakthi!
Answers and Beyond - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Excerpts from Sri Ramakrishnar Movie - significance of namakeerthanam
Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaham - Sri M K Ramanujamji in Birmingham
Nama and Prana - by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Mahatma Gandhijis View on Namasankeerthanam
Extract from Azhaikkindran Arangan by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Sri Rama Navami
As C.R says in the Ramayana - "A river or a hill, a tree or a cloud, indeed any object of beauty may raise one to contemplation of the Supreme Being and silent worship of Him." Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama Ram Ram Ram, Sita Ram Ram Ram Sita Ram Ram Ram. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!!
Food and the Mind - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Chant Namakeerthanam! - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Whomsoever chants nama all his sins will be wiped out - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
Chithragupta is the person in yamaloka who is responsible for taking stock of all bad deeds and good deeds and keeps exact note of that. He has a big and huge ledger book and in that he has jotted down very correctly the good and bad deeds of one from morning till night every day of his earthly life. He has written down the name of the person, his address, his identification all this is in the books of Chithragupta. But what happens is that if one even without his own knowledge says "NARAYANA" all the sins that are recorded in the book of Chithragupta vanishes in an instant.
WHY THEN DON'T WE BELIEVE THIS? Is it because its so EASY? or
Whether your sins will be destroyed or not, its not for you to worry - "tasmAt shAstram pramANamtE", no need for us to have a second thought - the pramANam is sAstram. God is there, sAstram is the authority. Do we know Good or Bad? sAstram is the authority. Who has seen heaven or hell, sAstram is the authority. Only on the authority of the sAstram do we say that God is there, there is a world of devAs, devAs have the power to bless us, there is life after death all this has meaning for the asthikA (the believer). Who has seen? sAstram is for the asthikAs. The Maharishis without any discrimination, without any omissions or commissions have left all this entirely for us to follow as well as God has blessed us with this sAstram.
In a certain home,sudarshana Homa is performed. All the Homa ingredients are added into the fire, do we see the Sudarshana Azhwar come in person and take the offering? If a Homa is done in the method of purushasUktham, did we see the Lord Narayana himself come and accept the offering. Yet we still continue to perform these homas and beget benefits. Did we then have a disbelief in that homa that we did this according to the sAstram and nothing happened in front of our eyes. Likewise if we say the namasankeerthanam, will our mind get control, will this remove our sins, will our sushumnA nAdi come up - we dont need to worry about all this.
Dhyeyo Narayana Sada - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal
But one can chant the namasankeerthanam with no specific time, any time of the day, any place, by anybody and that is what Sri Veda Vyasar said by "sadA" - MEANING "ALWAYS" FOR 24 HOURS.
Thus in 24 hours what can one do is Namasankeerthanam and that is what has been allowed. That's why with namakeerthanam, do dhyAnam of Lord Narayana and thats what Sri Veda Vysasar having given his own sastram with analysis told thus. Radhe Radhe