We have the divine name and we have the tongue to say it, so where is the fear says Sri Bodhendra Swamigal. Namakeerthanam is the easiest, most suitable way and will yield the greatest benefits. Ramarajyam is not far we have to constantly chant nama and make others chant everywhere! ~ HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

Perform Namakeerthanam you will perish not! - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara swamigal

We have been saying that the easiest way to attain the bhagavan is by namasankeerthanam, everyone will have a doubt how we can see God. But for the one performing namakeerthanam will be able to see GOD. One way is by being truthful, stand in dharma, have unflinching faith and the other way is by performing namakeerthanam. But say if the person who is performing namakeerthanam who will not possess any of the above mentioned gunams, he will not care for the jeevan by his side, not have even the basic humanitarian considerations, even such a person can see the bhagavan. But this is contrary to the fact that one can see the bhagavan only if he isa  suddhatma, possess the dharmic qualities, truthfullnes and drida bhakthi vairagyam vishwasam. How contrary this is? One is very slim, the other is fat, one is dark and the other is fair, one is tall, other is short like this. Even to Sakshath Naradar, the bhagavan has said that one should have the necessary qualities of vairagyam, dridanishtam - "Avipakka kashayanam durdarsha aham kuyoginam", but to those performing namakeerthanam such qualities are not found, how will these then attain the bhagavan. Not only that "name bhakthaha pranisyathi", the bhagavan says in the Gita as well. My devotee will never perish and those words also we need to keenly understand. "namE bhakthaHa pranishyathi" - my devotee will not perish, who? prahlada will not perish, ambarishan will not perish, why? if they will not perish then what is purpose of performing bhakthi? For prahlada to attain moksha, for ambarishar to attain moksha, Gopikas to attain moksha - all this is no thing to be debated at all. IT IS GAURANTEED FOR THEM, good gathi, paramapadam is sure for them. The reason for "namE bhaktha pranishyathi" is for the likes of Ajamila, being a durAcharan chants the nama will also be protected. This is the main thing. If you understand whose name is this, it is enough. "Jagatprabhum deva devam anantham purushottamam" - the name is of Jagadeeshwaran, eko vishnur mahatbhutam and its the name of the BHAGAVAN, not the name of kuppan or subbhan. The nama prabhavam is such. How will one get the darshanam of the bhagavan by performing bhagavannamakeerthanam is "Even is he is not fully filled with good qualities "gunapoornan", as he keeps doing this namakeerthanam all the sins in his mind will be cleared. As his sins get cleared, the sad buddhi "good thoughts" will develop and manifest  and as good thoughts develop, he will become a suddAtma, then once he has become a suddAtma he will develop the desire to see the bhagavan, the desire for Jnanam will come, vairagyam will come, bhakthi will come then he will see the bhagavan. Thats why, when "name bhakthaHa pranishyathi" was told by bhagavan in the Gita, bhagavan also told another, that if bhakthi for ME is present in the devotee, then "Kshipram bhavathi dharmAtma" - I WILL MAKE HIM A DHARMATMA VERY QUICKLY. I WILL CERTAINLY MAKE HIM A GOOD PERSON. Why, because he has developed love and concentration for me, he has developed a desire to tell my name always. So I will make him a good person, I will give him gnana, bhakthi, vairagyam as well as give my darshanam to him also.



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