We have the divine name and we have the tongue to say it, so where is the fear says Sri Bodhendra Swamigal. Namakeerthanam is the easiest, most suitable way and will yield the greatest benefits. Ramarajyam is not far we have to constantly chant nama and make others chant everywhere! ~ HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

Path shown by Azhwars is the basis! - By HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

In the Srimad Bhagavatham it is said beautifully about a method described to attain the bhagavan. If you have not followed the method shown by the mahans and do whatever you think is the best method you liked, you may not attain the bhagavan but what will remain is just "sramam yevahi kEvalam", what remained is the difficulty you faced. There will be no fruit begot. All effort in vain. Because you did not follow the method shown by the mahans.


So one cannot ask questions on how this will give us this. why, did anyone tell you there is such a thing as moksham, did you see this? who said? Sastras have said. Mahans have said.

Mahans have said there is moksham, presence of another world, punyam, papam, presence of GOD and if we do such and such a thing we can attain God. Which means you can attain God only in the way dictated by them and not by going down your own path. So the sayings of mahans is the authority, they have shown the path and have said that path is namakeerthanam. If you go all around India you can find several bhakthas. In Karnataka we can find Purandaradasar, ashta dasar, Kanakadasar, Vijayadasar and  several such have sung glories of the Lord. If you go to Maharashtra (Marati desham) we can name Tukaram, Namadevar, Gnaneshwar, Janabai, Ekanathar several such bhakthars have sung the glories of the lord. In Uttar pradesh, Rajasthan, Swami haridas, Mirabai have sung in praise of the Lord. So many have sung and for all these mahans a path was shown. All these several bhakthas have followed, be it Swami Jayadevar, Mahaprabhu, be it Bhadrachala Ramadasar, Thyagarajar of Tamil Nadu, they all have followed the path shown by one. Who showed this path? They were the AZHWARS! The path shown by the 12 Azhwars were followed by all these several bhakthas to attain the bhagavan. What is that these 12 Azhwars showed?, what path all these bhakthars took? In India before all these bhakthas came, the foremost among them were the Azhwars. 

Do Namakeerthanam. That's the reason why all these bhakthars sang about bhagavan. If we fully read the 4000 Divya prabhandam again and again its about singing. Without doing namakeerthanam what's the use of reading the divya prabhandham. The full of prabhandam talks of singing the namakeerthanam. Since these 12 Azhwars told so, all the bhakthars from Maharastra, Purandaradasar, Jayadevar and Bhadrachala Ramadasar all mention the significance of the namakeerthanam. Radhe Radhe!


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