We have the divine name and we have the tongue to say it, so where is the fear says Sri Bodhendra Swamigal. Namakeerthanam is the easiest, most suitable way and will yield the greatest benefits. Ramarajyam is not far we have to constantly chant nama and make others chant everywhere! ~ HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

Faith in Guru - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

There is no need for one to study a lot. If one reads a lot it will only confuse him. What's necessary only has to be read. There is so much written in vedams and sastras and there will be many interpretations as being primary, for one who does not have wisdom or control or samskaram or one who has not come in acArya line will only become confused. In the Vishnu dharma, the main thing thats said is on bhagavannamakeerthanam or Govinda name is being predominantly told. Dhyanam, Yogam or Jnanam is very hard to find in anyone. When reading about very high ideals and wisdom, we may get an imagination that we will have to achieve that but thats only a maya or illusion. Our mind wont go to a small thing. But we will aim for the big thing and we will fail to get it. One who is right will think and experiment to see if he is capable of a feat.

God has said that if one cannot get dhyana, yoga or jnana as a last resort there is saranagathi, surrender. But perivachanpillai says even if one needs to have surrender he needs mahavisvAsam and cannot doubt. Need faith to have surrender. Either one has to have faith in perumal, if not atleast must have faith in the Guru. Radhe Radhe


Therinda Puranam Theriyadha Kathai - told by Kollam Grandmother

Recently my Grandmother from kollam told me this. This is rare as this comes from the old times. Some of the Subtleties are really out there straight from the ancient knowledge and I would like to share this. In Ramayana, it is said that Kaikeyi actually wanted to send Rama to the forest out of her deep love for Rama, not withstanding the fact that she was subdued and tricked into doing this by Manthara. The Subtle fact here is that as part of the curse that Dasaratha received during his fateful hunting expedition, he would loose his beloved Rama just like how Shravanas blind parents lost their beloved son Shravana. Kaikeya who was so fond of Rama wanted to actually prevent this from happening and found that by sending Rama to exile, Rama would not be affected by the curse and would live to rule the Kingdom again. This is termed as Therinda Puranam Theriyadha Kathai in Tamil.


Greatness of Govinda nama - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

In the nandavanam, having put up a tent azhwar will go to the temple to perform kainkaryam. He will not prepare food in his tent but he will instead eat the food offered as prasadam in the temple for his daily meal. Because he needs to perform seva to the perumal and needs strength so he will eat the prasadam offered. He will always be performing namasankeerthanam all the time, although there are several namas already in the Thirumazhai, the ashtakshara mantram is always "Narayana". But in this Thirumazhai, Govinda nama prabhavam is being told. A name containing 3 letters from which "Kathira bandhu paraangathi kandukondan!" is also being told. 

In the Thiruppavai, as told by nacchiAr even amongst the 12 pasurams whence the 12 namams is being prominently said, its the name of "Govinda" that nacchiAr has used 3 times repeatedly in the Thiruppavai.

The nama of Narayana tells about the paratattvam whereas the nama of Govindam tells about the saulabhyam. Azhwar in all the pasurams always tells the greatness of the Govinda nama. In the name of "Govinda" itself the bhagavan has lots of love.

Even when eating, taking bath, walking, living always by telling the name of "Govinda" no sins will get attached to him as told in the sastras. Therefore in the Thirumazhai its the greatness of the Govinda nama which is being told much. Thus this is being told in the pasuram "soodhanAi kalvanAgi dhoordharOdu esaindha kAlam", the azhwar as if telling his own charithram has made this pasarum beautifully. Radhe Radhe

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