We have the divine name and we have the tongue to say it, so where is the fear says Sri Bodhendra Swamigal. Namakeerthanam is the easiest, most suitable way and will yield the greatest benefits. Ramarajyam is not far we have to constantly chant nama and make others chant everywhere! ~ HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

Kwik 'n' Easy Gita Slokas - by Harini Anand

Chapter:2 Sloka: 38
Sukha dukhe same krithva labha labhau jaya jayau
sukha -happiness; dukhe - sadness; same - same; krtva - doing so; labha - profit; alabhau - loss; jaya - victory; ajayau - defeat.

Translation : Without Considering Happiness, distress, Gain or Loss, Win or Lose Do your Duty

Chapter:2 Sloka:63
Krodhath bavathi sammohaha sammohath smriti vibhramaha
smriti bhramsath buddhi naso buddhi nasath pranasyathi

Krodath bhavathi sammohaha - from anger comes desire
sammohath smriti vibramaha - from desire comes delusion
smriti bhramsath buddhi naso - delusions destroy the mind
buddhi nasath pranasyathi - from the loss of a good mind one's entire body feels defeated

Chapter:3 Sloka:14

annath bhavanthi bhutani parjanyath anna sambhavaha
yajnath bhavathi parjanyo yajna karma samuthbhavaha

annath bhavanthi - From Grains (Annam) grow
bhutani - the material bodies
parjanyath - From Rains
anna sambhavaha - Grains are produced
yajnath - From Yajna
bhavathi parjanyo - Rains come
yajna karma - duty of sacrifice
samuthbhavaha - is born
Chapter:10 Sloka : 35

Brhath sama tatha samnam gayathri chandasam-aham
Masanam Marghasirso-aham rutunam kusumakarah

Brhath sama tatha - Also the Brhath sama (Sama Veda songs) I am
Gayathri - Gayathri Hymns
Chandasam - All the Poetry I am
Masanam - Of Months
Marghasirso aham - December-January I am
rtunam - of Seasons
kusumakarah - spring
Translation : Of all songs I am the Gayathri Hyms. I am all poetry. Of all months I am (Margazhli) December and January. Of all seasons I am Spring season.


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Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum by Anand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at harinamasankeerthanam.blogspot.com.
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