We have the divine name and we have the tongue to say it, so where is the fear says Sri Bodhendra Swamigal. Namakeerthanam is the easiest, most suitable way and will yield the greatest benefits. Ramarajyam is not far we have to constantly chant nama and make others chant everywhere! ~ HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

Nama Kowmudhi

One day, Sri Sri Sri Bodendral asked the boys playing on the dry river bed of Veerasozhan to bury him in the sand. As usual, the boys thought that he will come out of thesand pit. This time, he wanted Jeeva Samadhi and did not come back. He reached the Lord"s feet. Floods came and no one knew whether he was washed away or was alive. Three hundred Years went by. Marathanallur Sathguru wanted to know as to what happened to this revered Acharya. On one hot summer day, Sathguru did Anga Prathkshinam on the hot, dry river bed. As his body hit one location, he heard the loud chantings of Rama Naamam. Sathguru Venkataramana Sastrigal stopped there and dug up this area . Lo and Behold! He found the missing volume of Nama Kowmudhi, which was considered lost until then. He brought it back with Koil Maryadai and placed it in the Maruthanallur Bhajana Matam and offered Puja to the sacred Grantham and thru that to Sri Ramachandra worshipped by BhodendraaL..He continued the Bhajanais in front of the Sacred book of Nama Kowmudhi from then on.


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Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum by Anand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 India License.
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