We have the divine name and we have the tongue to say it, so where is the fear says Sri Bodhendra Swamigal. Namakeerthanam is the easiest, most suitable way and will yield the greatest benefits. Ramarajyam is not far we have to constantly chant nama and make others chant everywhere! ~ HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal

Only Medicine for the present world - Namakeerthanam. Only way in Kali is namakeerthanam and the book which describes it is the Srimad Bhagavatham.

The greatness of Srimad Bhagavatham is that wherever the parayanam of Srimad Bhagavatham is being performed and where it is listened to, in that place, Kali will never come. The present world in which we live is Kali, Kali meaning "Kalmasham". There is a lot being told in many discourses on how the people would be in Kali and how they would act. The only medicine for Kali is Srimad Bhagavatha parayanam. Srimad Bhagavatham also tells us about the significance of Namakeerthanam. Due to the influence of Kali, even a suddha Atma, who had been with the lord in his birth itself, like Parikshith was subject to a wrong doing by putting a dead snake around the neck of a sage. Even playfully, Kali should not get associated with anyone.  

Parikshith put the snake around the neck of Maharishi Sameekar and as a result his son Sringi pronounced a curse upon him after which he listens to the Srimad Bhagavatham for 7 days. Since he had a curse as a result of this Kali dosha, he listened to Srimad Bhagavatham which removes this dosha. That in itself is testimony to the fact that Bhagavatham will remove the doshas of Kali. 

Once the Srimad Bhagavatham was hid by Kali. It is known that one who is doing good in Kali will get lot of bad happening to them. If one is suffering a lot, it does not mean he is bad and if one is living in the lap of luxury, we cannot brand him as good even. In Kali, one cannot differentiate between the good and bad , either in suffering or comfort as we see from Mahabharata, the good pandavas suffered whilst the bad kauravas, duryodhana and his people were indeed in comfort. Those who believe in God will suffer a lot but they will never leave God, that's their greatness. Only way in Kali is namakeerthanam and the book which describes it is the Srimad Bhagavatham. Radhe Radhe


We can draw some parallels from nature. Looking at the spider weaving its web endlessly in the garden, I feel that we are experiencing a similar thing in our life too.

The spider weaves a big web in the hope of catching an insect and ultimately satisfy its quest for food. We too work endlessly in the materialistic world in the hope of creating our web, settle in it and ultimately satisfy our quest for food.

What we fail to see is that the web created by the spider is itself temporary as we often see it being destroyed quite easily due to actions of nature and human.

Likewise, is not our web temporary too? Nothing is permanent in this world. We verily have witnessed this ever so quite often through the acts of nature and humans.

Bhagavan has given us the sense through the compassionate grace of Guruji to be able to realise HIM as permanent, eternal, imperishable, indestructible. HE resides in us, we are a part of HIM and how then can we ever perish! Those who say "NAMA" can never perish.

Guruji constantly helps us to realise the nature of the imperishable by reciting the various "KATHAS" of the lord in order to foster faith and bhakthi in us.

We are indeed blessed to be born as a human on Earth and be under the grace of our Guruji who always inspires is and protects us. Radhe Radhe


HIS VOICE - HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamigal pearls of wisdom

Radhe Radhe!

We are delighted to bring to you the first video of the much awaited series.


Sublimely simple; immensely impactful!

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Increase listening to discourses and Chant Nama

AlODya sarva shAstrANi vicArya ca punaH punaH idamekaM suniShpannaM dhyeyon nArAyaNaH sadA.

Analysis of all the Sarva sastras again and again will tell you one and one thing only, "Always meditate upon the name of Narayana" 

Chant Nama always.

yamasya karunA nAstI kartavyam harikeerthanam. 

"yamasya karunA nAstI"

The God of Death has no compassion. Do not waste your time; Life is getting reduced every second. 

"kartavyam harikeerthanam" - Perform Nama chanting now itself. 

Chanting the Divine names of God, especially the "Hare Rama..." Mahamantra as prescribed in the Kali Santarana Upanishad, is the simplest & the most practical path to liberation and attainment of Universal Love in this age.  

The Vedas and the scriptures constitute the bedrock of our Sanatana Dharma and need to be protected by all means.  

Ancient temples (especially those glorified by great saints such as Alwars/Nayanmars) are storehouses of spirituality and have to be renovated and maintained with utmost care & devotion.


Covid to KovidA

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Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum by Anand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 India License.
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